25 Best Engineering Services Companies in India - 2018

Every engineering organization’s objective is to get the work done with the best quality and at less time. Hence, the demand for Engineering Services Market is expected to reach a whopping figure of $1.4 trillion by 2020. However, the sudden growth in Engineering Services Outsourcing (ESO) sector shows that new-new products are developed, and the new techniques are used like value-engineering and engineering consulting functions. Being the IT hub of the globe, nation has successfully clubbed IT knowledge with engineering and drives the digital transformation across industries. IBIS World, a global business intelligence leader specialized in Industry market research predicts that industry value added (IVA) measures industry’s contribution to GDP will rise to an annualized rate of 2.9 percent and other reports also suggest that, outsourcing spend on engineering services is predicted to be growing 3-4 times the rate of total spend on engineering. Therefore, industry is in the verge of modernization and huge number of companies entered into the market, but the major concern is the ability to offer proper services.

Bringing in light the sheer marvel of the growing technology and reinforced engineering services of our country, we at CEO Insights bring to you the ‘CEO Insights: 25 Best Engineering Services in India-2018’, saluting the spirit of these engineering leaders who, with their venture are not only catapulting the society towards a economic growth but are also acting as the aggregators of the better world, taking the next steps towards a stronger economy. An expert panel of CEOs and industrialists, along with CEO Insight Editorial Board has performed a diligent evaluation of the industry before listing the front-runners. These inspiring leaders listed are the ones which have distinguished themselves through their life achievements and success and will introduce our readers to the greatness of their journey and help them a take a leaf out of their book to understand the necessities and build their own enterprises based on similar virtues & values.

Source: CEO Insights

About iSolve Technologies:​

iSolve Technologies is one of the fastest growing business transformation companies in the world.  A global company founded on the 3 pillars of Consulting, Technology Development, and Service Delivery. We work with some of the best brands across the world and serve a variety of sectors including banking, BFSI, logistics, publishing, retail solutions, real estate, healthcare solutions, telecom, engineering, asset management and much more. Our services include media monitoring, scanning, document management, telecommunicationprint media monitoring, web crawling, social media monitoring, eBook conversion, CAF Management for telecom, typesetting, publishing, process consulting and service delivery, end to end Enterprise Content Management, IT services and Business Transformation consulting.